This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 swollen. </p><p> "You're about as dumb as they come, Adams. I don't know what you're up
doc#145 stand beside Dan. Slipping her hand in his, they silently watched the Burnsides make the
doc#145 the road and disappear from sight. Much as they had to look forward to, they didn't begrudge
doc#145 sight. Much as they had to look forward to, they didn't begrudge a moment of the time they
doc#145 they didn't begrudge a moment of the time they spent seeing them go. 40. AT FIRST Matilda
doc#145 overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade
doc#145 Burnsides"? Hez asked, who still believed they 'd have them to lick. </p><p> "They ain't
doc#145 for himself, and so could the others. Soon they were all shouting greetings, exchanging
doc#145 exchanging smiles, and rejoicing to think that they were all back together again. But even
doc#145 break in the routines of the day. Nor could they stop and find out about all that had happened
doc#145 find out about all that had happened until they made circle, tended the cattle, tethered
doc#145 time to catch up on the news. No sooner did they hear of Dan's injury than both Gran and
doc#145 , and well doctored with simples, before they dished up the victuals. From then on, in
doc#145 then on, in keeping with the traditions they had followed since childhood, the whole
doc#145 turned into a regular "Hoe-Down". Only, they carefully substituted old country folk
doc#145 united chant of the lilting old ballads, they played their quaint folk games with all
doc#145 Matilda visiting with Mrs. Jackson while they searched out familiar names on the face
doc#145 tried to go a step further and say she hoped they 'd be just as right as they now were for
doc#145 say she hoped they'd be just as right as they now were for her and for Rod. But she could
doc#145 farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, "The farmer choose his