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doc#131 out in the fact that historically peoples have clung together as more or less cohesive
doc#131 politically organized. The Jews for 2500 years have been a prime example, though the adherents
doc#131 incentives. The great ultimate ends of religion have served as magnificent beacon lights that
doc#131 reward systems that most religions embody have great motivating effects. Religion provides
doc#132 his lap along with the twins, saying, "I have a big lap; there is room for you, too,
doc#132 people. Similarities to the approach which I have described are evident in the prompt establishment
doc#132 Probably, in the immediate future, we will have to settle for middle-range efforts that
doc#133 fickle as Ann. If he had married her, he'd have been asking for trouble. </p><p> But all
doc#133 licked his dry lips. He asked, "Could we have a drink"? </p><p> Morgan jerked his head
doc#133 were practically no protection. It must have hurt her even to walk, for the sole was
doc#133 at her for a moment, wondering what could have reduced her to this condition. He had seen
doc#133 wife Sharon. We ran out of money and we have n't eaten for two days". </p><p> "What are
doc#133 been looking for work, but all the ranchers have turned us down". </p><p> "You mean you dragged
doc#133 more ranch three miles north of here. You'd have starved to death if you'd missed both places
doc#133 the strays who come by"? </p><p> "I don't have many strays coming to my front door", he
doc#133 said: "You'll feel a lot better after you have a bath. Your feet are in bad shape, Mrs.
doc#133 feet are in bad shape, Mrs. Jones. You'll have to go to town to see the doc". </p><p> "No
doc#133 ", Jones said quickly. "I mean, we don't have any way to get there and we can't expect
doc#133 Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the couch. We have n't slept together since we started. I just
doc#134 ranch in the valley. There's someone there I have to see. We may take her with us -- to California