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doc#112 mother got no value from their religion when they died. At the moment of crisis it had no
doc#145 into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains. </p>
doc#145 farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, "The farmer choose his
doc#142 uttering threats in a low but savage voice when they closed and padlocked the door. </p><p> They
doc#147 which was down. He held the controls where they had been. Sweat popped out over him and
doc#110 prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to
doc#100 where they had once been rich, humbled where they had been arrogant, having no longer any
doc#100 Anglophilia of the Old South. Poor where they had once been rich, humbled where they
doc#113 withdraw to the underground of the slums where they can defy the precepts of legalized propriety
doc#124 weapons. The same delivery vehicles -- whether they be airplanes, submarines or guided missiles
doc#56 to 3 vote, decided to ask voters whether they prefer the 6-3-3 (junior high school) system
doc#102 miles from Soviet territory, beyond which they are forbidden to fly without specific orders
doc#142 them from falling into the creek by which they persisted in playing. Conchita nagged at
doc#122 cells on the vacuum line following which they were frozen down and the manifold as a
doc#104 of it as a kind of spooky museum in which they may half see and half imagine the old splendor
doc#107 their conviction that the struggle in which they were involved was neither selfish nor parochial
doc#109 orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities
doc#113 generation is to find a new way of life which they can express in poetry and fiction, but
doc#95 secrets out of naval strongrooms over which they kept guard. </p><p> Gordon A. Lonsdale, 37
doc#130 societies to tackle boldly the tasks which they face. At the same time, we should recognize