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doc#131 feeling that he is relatively secure in an ordered, dependable universe. Man has the
doc#131 This something leads to a conception of an over-all Social Plan with a meaning interpretable
doc#131 socializes men by attaching them completely to an identical body of doctrine; the more extensive
doc#131 particular faith. The religion, in fact, is an expression of the unity of the group, small
doc#131 -conserving function. As such it acts as an anchor for the people. There is a marked
doc#131 social values, though also in some measure, an obstacle to the creation or diffusion of
doc#131 lights that lured people toward them with an almost irresistible force, mobilizing energies
doc#132 <p> As seen in the B. family, there must be an attempt to help the client develop conscious
doc#132 for insight therapy. </p><p> To establish an emotionally meaningful relationship the
doc#132 therapeutic rather than purely exploratory in an information-seeking sense. In this relationship
doc#132 their ego capacities. </p><p> Having outlined an approach to the theory and practice of
doc#132 conviction that short-term casework had an important but neglected place in our network
doc#132 expended. </p><p> That we are experiencing an upsurge of interest in the many formulations
doc#132 settings all point up the importance of an immediate response to the client's initial
doc#132 intervention to further efforts in developing an operational definition of prevention at
doc#133 They were running from something. He'd be an idiot to let them stay he thought, but
doc#133 staggered, and almost fell. He caught her by an arm and helped her into the kitchen. She
doc#134 campfire and waked suddenly to the hoot of an owl or the rustle of a blade of grass in
doc#135 signs of reviving. He had been carrying an Enfield rifle and a holstered navy cap-
doc#135 precaution so that mounts would be available in an emergency. </p><p> He handed the guard's