This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 sure what she meant by it. </p><p> "You own this place"? she said, and her tone had softened
doc#137 step back. She swung the quirt again, and this time he caught her wrist and pulled her
doc#137 Judith", he said quietly. "I can take care of this . It's no job for you". </p><p> The girl tapped
doc#137 here". </p><p> The half-breed didn't answer this time. But the scar seemed to pull hard
doc#137 what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business, and I don't care about
doc#137 brought up her free hand to hit him, but this time he was quicker. He side-stepped her
doc#137 coyote was calling again, and he hoped that this time there would be no other sounds to
doc#138 that I did not question the possibility of this ; under the circumstances I was only too
doc#138 withdrew my hand. Later I would remember what this pompous little man had told me about the
doc#138 hall, yet what did I know about the hall at this point? Although I had been inside it I
doc#138 concealed it. For weeks I wandered about this neighborhood of warehouses and garages,
doc#138 the director of the hall. I could consult this personage on any weekday morning, though
doc#138 before ten o'clock. The clerk impressed this upon me: that I should not arrive in the
doc#138 the chair behind his desk I wondered what this dapper, slightly ridiculous man could possibly
doc#138 physical but also to my spiritual wellbeing. To this effect I had already severed all connections
doc#139 square. There were three other men within this prison whom Barton would have liked to
doc#139 wall. There was no moon. They had chosen this night purposely. They reached the guard
doc#139 prison Dill had worked tirelessly to effect this night's escape. </p><p> He said now, "I've
doc#139 <p> Dill had come up also. "I was afraid of this . I almost didn't tell you". </p><p> "If you
doc#140 Hiram Munroe Culver. He had belonged to this land and, perhaps, had desecrated it --