This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#59 council agreed it should more firmly state its belief in and dependence on the Bible. </p>
doc#131 time; he has endless being. Religion at its best also offers the experience of spiritual
doc#131 living; life leads somewhere. Religion at its best is out in front, ever beckoning and
doc#70 38-point bulge against Texas Tech ran up its biggest total loop play since 1950. Completing
doc#116 impossible in the corporate structure with its board of directors and stockholders. Leadership
doc#103 a variety of sores, hair had scabbed off its body in patches. It lay with its head on
doc#115 the poet's longing for his homeland and its boyhood associations: "Not men-folk, but
doc#142 outfit -- known as the Slash-B because of its brand -- reached Hondo Creek before sundown
doc#111 gradually, first, with the Ptolemaic system and its built-in concept of periodicity and then
doc#116 Long before the State Department organized its bureaucracy into an East-West Contacts
doc#108 upon drawing out this legend, prolonging its burial, when it well deserves a rest after
doc#140 at its bark or stripped the berries from its bushes. Unconcerned, indifferent, unmotivated
doc#116 benefits to employees, it is notorious for its callous disregard except where it depends
doc#60 government had called witnesses and presented its case. MIAMI, FLA., MARCH 17 -- The Orioles
doc#109 towards jumps into the air gives the work its central focus. </p><p> Alwin Nikolais objects
doc#138 walk separated it from my own part of town, its character was wholly foreign to me. Large
doc#24 age. </p><p> East Providence should organize its civil defense setup and begin by appointing
doc#104 a spring famous in the neighborhood for its clarity and flavor. Not long ago an acquaintance
doc#134 Dawn would come soon and the night was at its coldest. The moon had sunk below the black
doc#115 the masterpiece which rises before them in its completed perfection. The supreme object