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doc#100 American Dream, like everybody else. </p>
doc#100 arts of living like gastronomy and the
doc#102 consoles that look like business machines.
doc#103 <p> The countryside looked like a beautiful open
doc#103 And countless others like them have died
doc#103 you always navigate like this"?
doc#103 know the place like the palm of
doc#103 were there; like the man,
doc#103 stones shaped roughly like knives, a
doc#103 , you fella like tabac"?
doc#104 . </p><p> I should like , by the
doc#104 with sensations, like a young prince
doc#104 upstream it looks like a long arcaded
doc#104 long diminishing vista like a visual echo
doc#104 and enormous, like the outdoor set
doc#104 the melodic line like the painted or
doc#105 . Because, like many other children
doc#105 , featured novelties like Erdmann's Piano
doc#105 for relaxation? Like his late colleague
doc#106 . We would like to do that