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doc#139 The eyes always held Hague, eyes of a dead man , lidless as a lizard's, with the fixed
doc#110 them when he paid tribute to the "brave men , living and dead, who fought here". He
doc#137 slanted across his cheek. </p><p> "She's not a man , mister", he said. "I am. If you've got
doc#140 musical evening laughter. Red man or white man , pacifist or killer, the forest would accept
doc#103 heels all the time we were there; like the man , she was entirely naked. Her long thin
doc#102 , switches and buttons. At least a dozen men , some armed, are never far away from him
doc#59 of God and are the revelation of God to man , the infallible, authoritative rule of
doc#101 over other claimants for the loyalties of men , the nation-state maintained an adequate
doc#131 addition to the functions of religion within man , there have always been the outer social
doc#134 body in my rose garden two nights ago. My men , they all left me. Just cleared out. I
doc#143 cursed at them and threatened them. He was a man , those neighbors testified later, who did
doc#134 land. A man could make a mark there. Two men , together like us, we could do somethin
doc#135 donned them. He and Dean tied and gagged the man , using his belt and shirt for the purpose
doc#95 Krogers received secrets from the mystery man , usually on the first Saturday evening
doc#136 the grass was covered with dead and dying men , war shields, lances, blankets and wounded
doc#139 against his eardrums. </p><p> He was a big man , wearing a neat flannel shirt against the
doc#139 professionals, men who knew how to use a gun against men , who would match the killers on the other
doc#108 Negro is easier to write than the white man ; but they obviously mean by this, not a
doc#141 looks, what was there left? He wasn't a big man ; rather on the medium side. Neither was
doc#108 modern farmer must perform the work of six men : a machine stands between the agrarian