This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#100 my wife's experience and other sources, this seems to be rarely encountered in educated
doc#146 .... While no larger than Dutch Springs, this mining supply town had the appearance of
doc#100 themselves about the South. For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed
doc#146 were forced to maintain a sharper watch, this activity enabled them to ride in and rack
doc#21 danger points and setbacks for the West, this may merely mean the new administration
doc#123 mass greater than <formul> (Dubin, 1960); this mass threshold was derived from the detector
doc#148 education is to help you make a living; this is not so, for education offers all kinds
doc#110 remaining state whenever it saw fit to secede: This would destroy the federal balance between
doc#100 South) I found myself unsympathetic to ...". This , for the liberals I know, would be an understatement
doc#125 approximately 750 ml each, of "starting buffer". This buffer, pH 8.6, was 0.005 M in <formul>
doc#75 be any 25th man on the ball club". </p><p> This was the first word from Jensen on his sudden
doc#96 they were "aiming at the same criminals". This , he added, brought about "petty jealousies
doc#113 sexuality of the middle-class square in heat". This is the Holy Grail these knights of the
doc#127 anastomotic pleural supply is seen (figs. 9, 10). This pleural supply is derived both from hilar
doc#117 wave length by Dicke and Beringer (1946). This was followed by a comprehensive series
doc#127 vein on the other, as in type I (fig. 24). This relationship, however, is not maintained
doc#120 powdered, anhydrous alundum (<formul>). This sample was contained in a cylindrical container
doc#107 violation of the Treaty of 1783. </p><p> This sense of moderation and fairness is superbly
doc#37 National Defense Education Act of 1958. This would provide for long-term Federal loans
doc#118 porosity of 50% and an average pore size of 30. This small pore size was required to ensure