This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#138 him, I learned that his job was only part- time , in the afternoons when nothing went on
doc#141 been laying for Aaron McBride for a long time , just waiting to catch him out of line.
doc#130 example, in accordance with the fashion of the times , most transitional societies have announced
doc#44 been observing the political scene a long time , no script from the past is worth very
doc#116 whatever good this set-up achieved in earlier times , now the corporation per se cannot take
doc#67 have had the ball 41 times and scored 16 times , or 40 per cent ... their total passing
doc#133 crew. Morgan watched the two figures for a time , puzzled. When they were closer and he
doc#62 mood to celebrate. </p><p> Just before game time , Robinson's pretty wife, Connie informed
doc#25 dating back in some instances to colonial times , severely limit the types of merchandise
doc#140 she walked, her steps fumbled from time to time , she chose to ignore that omen. If the
doc#140 sun and human time. At one and the same time , she was within it but still searching
doc#103 squall, raising their arms and, for the first time , shouting and capering. Then the wind died
doc#114 factory worker of the North. At the present time , the counter-attack takes the line that
doc#143 that could materialize anywhere, at any time , to dispense an ancient brand of justice
doc#132 guidance. Over a relatively short period of time , usually about four to twelve weeks, the
doc#130 boldly the tasks which they face. At the same time , we should recognize that the obstacles
doc#132 treatment is concentrated over a short period of time , while in others, after the initial contact
doc#131 . He is not lost in the abyss of endless time ; he has endless being. Religion at its
doc#103 there was not. It might have rained, any time ; only -- it did not. There might have been
doc#104 especially for this city, there are only two times : the glorious past and the corrupt, depressing