This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#108 mythological, universal application. </p><p> As his disciples boast, even though his emphasis
doc#109 lose his sense of self in being a "finial". As the dancer is depersonalized, his accouterments
doc#111 all Americans against freedom's other foe. As cells coalesced into organisms, they built
doc#112 beginning: she will proceed into the dark. As she goes, she herself will be illuminated
doc#112 asked me why I write always about distress. As if it were perverse to do so! He wanted
doc#112 clear; but there is also compassion. </p><p> As a Christian, I know I do not stand where
doc#112 stands, but I do see much of what he sees. As a writer on the theater, I have paid close
doc#113 it is because it is taboo; it is sacred. As Lipton, the prophet of the beat generation
doc#113 the ritual of sex is the use of marijuana. As Lipton puts it: "The Eros is felt in the
doc#115 of legendary and historic associations. As a boy in a local school he was shy and
doc#115 laid beside the tombs of his ancestors. As he had longed to be, he became the echo
doc#116 its own stockholders and poorly at that. As a creative enterprise, its abilities are
doc#116 made possible by us, and almost mandatory). As to benefits to employees, it is notorious
doc#118 the surface was scanned with a pyrometer. As it turned out, a very hot region occurred
doc#121 washing clean swatches with the dirty ones. As is the case with the surface-active agent
doc#121 hydrophilic sticky or dried soils. </p><p> As is well known, detergent actives belong
doc#124 locations, should have been increased. </p><p> As can be seen from Figure 2, an extensive
doc#124 distance sampled was 23 miles from the source. As can be seen from these dosage isopleths
doc#125 fractions from group AB plasma as a control. As expected, most of the activity was found
doc#126 honeybees form a majority on the willow catkins. As we have already seen in the first chapter