This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 that fire. Be sure it's out when you leave. That 's all. I'll let you go back to doing the
doc#134 his throat, dry and cracked. "He's leavin. That 's what you wanted, isn't it? Clayton is
doc#115 It slips away, it burns and tortures me. That little spark is all the wealth I know,
doc#134 ! God in Heaven, I can't refuse you now. That would mock me too much! Can't let you go
doc#141 on one particularly memorable occasion. That was the day that he had practically mopped
doc#137 reflected on how things had turned out. That afternoon when they had pulled up in front
doc#104 Shakespeare, and perhaps some lyrics of their own. That , at any rate, is what happens at the Khaju
doc#101 always difficult to pin down with precision. That is particularly true of sovereignty when
doc#81 into the rules when he is sure he's right. That 's how he first won the Masters in 1958.
doc#148 brought her into his antique store. </p><p> That she impressed me instantly was obvious;
doc#144 . About now he's probably having supper. That long ride the four of you took must've
doc#107 Founding Fathers, America faces a stern test. That test, as President Kennedy forthrightly
doc#141 And he really feels that way, she thought. That 's really all he's got, all he is. Just
doc#140 her head. She must not think about time. That was another one of those traps. </p><p> In
doc#113 inhibitions, can have therapeutic value. That is why, the argument runs, the squares
doc#136 his head. "Mr. Manuel did that in the war. That 's why the British never got the tribes
doc#29 image of a unity candidate from Washington. That failed. </p><p> "We are now witnessing an
doc#102 to authorize the use of nuclear weapons. That 's the law. But what if somebody decides
doc#135 bayonet. He lifted a screeching war whoop. That touched off a total stampede. He darted
doc#29 glow of Sen. Case's candidacy of last year. That , too, will fail". </p><p> Sandman announced