This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#112 question but that she moves toward the dark. That is the play. Within this notion clarity
doc#113 disdain the art of "necking" and "petting". That is reserved for the squares. If they avoid
doc#113 inhibitions, can have therapeutic value. That is why, the argument runs, the squares
doc#113 of annihilation explodes on earth. </p><p> That is why the members of the beat generation
doc#115 It slips away, it burns and tortures me. That little spark is all the wealth I know,
doc#115 That little spark is all the wealth I know, That little spark is my life's misery". A dominant
doc#119 the surface of the drop. (<bital>B<eital>) That because of the low viscosity of the fluid
doc#132 of the quantity of time expended. </p><p> That we are experiencing an upsurge of interest
doc#133 . "I'm Billy Jones", the boy answered. " That 's my wife Sharon. We ran out of money and
doc#133 </p><p> "We're not drunkards", she said. " That 's all I'm sure of". </p><p> She helped him
doc#133 He nodded at the door in front of him. " That 's my spare bedroom. The bed isn't made,
doc#134 ! God in Heaven, I can't refuse you now. That would mock me too much! Can't let you go
doc#134 </p><p> "California". Gavin began to nod. " That 's a new land. A man could make a mark there
doc#134 his throat, dry and cracked. "He's leavin. That 's what you wanted, isn't it? Clayton is
doc#135 bayonet. He lifted a screeching war whoop. That touched off a total stampede. He darted
doc#135 given him and another guerrilla was hit. That halted the rush. The guerrillas scattered
doc#136 meal. They all flew into action. </p><p> " That was a terrible thing to do", I said to
doc#136 his head. "Mr. Manuel did that in the war. That 's why the British never got the tribes
doc#136 would think it took place overnight. </p><p> " That 's why this company's important. Once we
doc#136 over the mountains others will come along. That 's why the Trust don't want us to make it