This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#117 from the earth is about 1 minute of arc. This is much smaller than the highest resolution
doc#118 region of the anode was struck by the arc. This region which had a higher temperature than
doc#124 or cloud of agent over the target area. This concept has stimulated much basic research
doc#127 one-fifth that of the pulmonary artery. This vessel could be followed to the parenchyma
doc#124 the results secured in the initial attack. This was done with full knowledge that there
doc#138 disturbed me. The clerk paid them no attention. This impressed me, until I realized how limited
doc#123 eccentric without changing the semi-major axis. This effect can give rise to a blanket of micrometeorites
doc#135 Mike swung the pistol in a savage backlash. This time it connected solidly on the man's
doc#119 71 poises in a paper by Mason and Bartok. This viscosity of the material in the drops
doc#11 . "Dallas and Fort Worth can vote bonds. This would help the little peanut districts"
doc#81 thoroughly as the man who wrote the book. This knowledge has come in handy, too. </p><p>
doc#120 and a large endothermic reaction at 470°C. This latter reaction is in accord with the reported
doc#125 region of high anionic binding capacity. This was particularly noticeable in group A
doc#126 andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins. This must be due to a completely identical response
doc#123 average nickel content is about 2.5 per cent. This is much higher than the nickel content
doc#108 its progressive leaps of the past century. This is not to say that the South is no longer
doc#115 their fortitude and patient cheerfulness. This comes out in "When the Bells Ring", which
doc#59 Americans has vital contact with the church. This means that more than 100 million have no
doc#105 months, "commuting" between the two cities. This schedule became too strenuous, even for
doc#112 Age of Reason. "Not this. This is clear. This does not allow the mystery to invade us