This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#41 agreement was reached after three days.
doc#44 it is uncertain after nearly 12 months
doc#46 fully with Hemphill after a period of
doc#46 formally declared bankrupt after its directors indicated
doc#47 more a year after that. </p><p> The
doc#48 driving the day after the sentence was
doc#48 circulation of petitions after Barnard was reprimanded
doc#51 15 was reached after almost 18 hours
doc#53 East Germany where after 15 years of
doc#54 board members, after hearing the coordination
doc#60 been deferred until after the government had
doc#61 House and, after failing in a
doc#61 Adair, fanned after fouling off two
doc#61 three straight hits after two were out
doc#62 one week ago after completing his hitch
doc#63 the allowance department after winning a $
doc#67 Southwest Conference scoring after three games. </p>
doc#68 the Mustang 21 after an incomplete pass
doc#68 back into action after a week's
doc#69 said Stram Monday after he and his