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doc#102 exercises" are almost continuous. Each
doc#141 gave him an almost delicate appearance. </p>
doc#139 this. I almost didn't tell
doc#44 presidential election into almost equally divided camps
doc#116 as it did almost every corner of
doc#137 And they had almost everything they needed
doc#116 , shortsighted and almost exclusively profit-
doc#133 staggered, and almost fell. He
doc#137 until it was almost friendly. "
doc#88 in operation " almost immediately after the
doc#8 because it is almost impossible to locate
doc#145 , they said almost in unison.
doc#141 Tom Lord looked almost insignificant, almost
doc#102 conversations were, almost invariably, accompanied
doc#121 surface, which almost invariably bears a
doc#147 the overcast, almost inverted and heading
doc#131 them with an almost irresistible force,
doc#148 eyed one another almost like sparring partners
doc#116 us, and almost mandatory).
doc#135 in the moonlight almost naked and slugging