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doc#118 <p> The higher heat transfer rates at the anode compared with those at the cathode can
doc#118 requirements are particularly severe at the anode . In free burning electric arcs, for instance
doc#118 Assuming thermal equilibrium between the anode surface and the transpiring argon, the
doc#118 is shown in figure 3. In this design the anode holder is water cooled and the heat losses
doc#118 evidence that the cooling requirements for the anode of free burning arcs are large compared
doc#118 and the heat losses by conduction from the anode were determined by measuring the temperature
doc#118 disk. The transpiring gas ejected from the anode formed a jet directed axially towards the
doc#118 from Ref. 7. The radiation loss from the anode surface was computed according to <formul>
doc#118 the coolant but not originating from the anode plug. </p><p> The argon flow from commercial
doc#118 reflection of radiation originating from the anode holder and reflected back to it by the
doc#118 COOLED ANODE WITH CARBON ANODE HOLDER The anode holder shown in figure 2 was designed with
doc#118 anode material, and the conditions in the anode sheath. 2. Heat transfer by molecular conduction
doc#118 ensure uniformity of the flow leaving the anode . The anode plug (Figure 2) was inserted
doc#118 energy. A detailed energy balance of the anode was established. The anode ablation could
doc#118 in figure 2 was mounted by means of the anode holder which was attached to a steel plug
doc#118 served for simultaneous measurement of the anode surface temperature and the temperature
doc#118 transferred to the cooling medium of the anode . </p><p> The higher heat transfer rates at
doc#118 stand and of two different models of the anode holder. The cathode consisted of a <frac14>
doc#118 must, therefore, aim at a reduction of the anode loss. The following possibilities exist
doc#118 below) since only a small region of the anode was struck by the arc. This region which