This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#101 borders. Outside those limits it asserted, as against other states, a position of sovereign
doc#90 Simpkins, his administrative assistant, as Maryland's Secretary of State. </p><p> Mr.
doc#45 governor. It is one that most try to avoid, as long as they can see an alternative approach
doc#44 it back together. FUTURE CLOUDED Barnett, as the titular head of the Democratic party
doc#107 status was achieved in some cases by birth, as with Washington, Jefferson and Jay; in
doc#145 knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is
doc#105 begins with the letter A, instead of C, as in the scale. Because, like many other
doc#105 concerts at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia, as well as concerts in Munich and Cologne.
doc#105 rescinded, and now, he explains cheerfully, as a bright smile lightens his intense, mobile
doc#104 rise above the ordinary life of this city, as the great buildings rise above blank walls
doc#107 Washington castigated his critic, General Conway, as being capable of "all the meanness of intrigue
doc#110 Confederate States of America". Dictionaries, as we have seen, still cite this government
doc#109 walks off, neither pleased nor disturbed, as if nothing had happened. If one dancer
doc#127 none of the pleural blood supply. It does, as in type I, supply the hilar lymph nodes
doc#105 the Maestro quoted The Flying Dutchman, as he told of his career and wanderings, explaining
doc#132 of her mother's death when she was eight, as well as her subsequent anger at her father
doc#7 has a new school superintendent, elected, as a policeman put it, in the "coolest election
doc#117 than the variation in the 8.6-mm emission, as would be expected from the explanation
doc#114 be able to isolate it. </p><p> New England, as everyone knows, has long been schoolmaster
doc#110 whereas the Preamble of 1787-89 expressed, as clearly as language can, the opposite concept