This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#19 the social security payroll tax by as much as $37 a year for each of the workers now
doc#127 distribution of the bronchial arteries. As early as 1858, Le Fort claimed an alveolar distribution
doc#127 to stop at the arteriolar level. As early as 1913 Ghoreyeb and Karsner demonstrated
doc#76 as many as 25 home runs and stole as many as 25 bases. Once the figure was 30-30. Willie
doc#76 his nine previous seasons Mays hit as many as 25 home runs and stole as many as 25 bases
doc#1 mayor's occupation as "attorney" and his age as 71. It listed his wife's age as 74 and
doc#1 his age as 71. It listed his wife's age as 74 and place of birth as Opelika, Ala. </p>
doc#110 Union. He fought to the end to preserve it as a "government of the people, by the people
doc#56 poll to be taken on Nov. 15, the same date as a $581,000 bond election for the construction
doc#119 are distorted by the normal forces just as a balloon would be pulled or pressed out
doc#22 which will prevent Laos from being used as a base for Communist attacks on neighboring
doc#62 Clipper, now retired, has been assisting as a batting coach. SQUAD CUT NEAR Pitcher
doc#117 , and only if the planet really radiates as a black body, will the apparent black-body
doc#118 attempted in this paper. Argon was used as a blowing gas to exclude any effects of
doc#145 at the ends. </p><p> "My right leg's stiff as a board this morning", he replied. "But
doc#13 Hays, Kan., State College. He has served as a border patrolman and was in the Signal
doc#146 and suddenly dodged aside. Nerves tight as a bowstring, he paused to gather his wits
doc#105 rescinded, and now, he explains cheerfully, as a bright smile lightens his intense, mobile
doc#29 last night disagreed on the value of using as a campaign issue a remark by Richard J.
doc#115 ancient glory. He liked to fancy himself as a chieftain and to dress for the part.