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doc#33 When I come back here after the
doc#44 the lawmakers come back together Barnett will
doc#144 don't come back in the house
doc#142 much to come back to me"
doc#68 split end coming back on the second
doc#45 prospect of cutting back spending is an
doc#25 Island and dating back in some instances
doc#144 , and drew back his right fist
doc#144 . He drew back his arm to
doc#115 He is driven back by his yearning
doc#147 your second element back . If any
doc#37 but is expected back Tuesday. LEADERSHIP
doc#52 but is expected back on the job
doc#138 penetrate very far back into the hall
doc#118 was partly fed back into the arc
doc#118 . 3. Feed back of the energy
doc#118 not only feeds back the energy transferred
doc#134 gained nor fell back . He rode
doc#143 some answering fire back at the mysterious
doc#104 fallen and flowed back to their original