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doc#116 PROPRIETORSHIP Avoiding runaway technology can be done only by assuring a humane society;
doc#119 and from this the interfacial tension can be calculated. Its value was <formul> from
doc#119 thermostatics) to the steady state. This can be justified thermodynamically in this case
doc#127 morphologic considerations alone, may conceivably be different in the monkey than in the horse
doc#146 So far as he knew, only his father could be there. What did it mean? Clapping spurs
doc#128 would expect that the hypothalamus could be excited from the cortex. In experiments
doc#105 asked if the soft background music could be turned off. Unfortunately, it was Muzak
doc#27 General Assembly and that a provision could be included in the charter to have the town
doc#139 swelling volume of a hundred tornadoes could be heard for miles. Hague, like all who worked
doc#145 a step further and say she hoped they'd be just as right as they now were for her
doc#120 the adsorbed water resonance could easily be eliminated or from spectra of samples evacuated
doc#0 and "a doctor, medical intern or extern be employed for night and weekend duty at
doc#100 emotional, issues which may fundamentally be even more divisive. It is these other differences
doc#129 reguli <formul> and <formul>, and let g be a <formul> curve of order k on Q. A general
doc#100 conservative, this sort of atmosphere would hardly be found. But in our case -- and neither my
doc#107 and perpetuated. Let the open enemy to it be regarded as a Pandora with her box opened
doc#68 running this week, but I don't know if he'll be able to play". </p><p> The game players saw
doc#143 'll be ready next time"! he raged. "I'll be shootin' right back". </p><p> He had his
doc#133 town to see the doc". </p><p> "No, she'll be all right", Jones said quickly. "I mean
doc#136 retreated. </p><p> "Lead up! Lead up! They'll be back"! Montero was shouting. </p><p> Far