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doc#135 wagons, struck by a new inspiration
doc#130 must be marked by a patience and
doc#104 to this fragment by a recent poet
doc#119 change <formul> caused by a shear field
doc#103 mile square owned by a sheep grazer
doc#72 is still bothered by a side injury
doc#129 These are defined by a simple involutorial
doc#120 , and perhaps by a small amount
doc#118 graphite anode cooled by a transpiring gas
doc#136 face was split by a vermilion streak
doc#140 been snared here by a vile sensuality
doc#109 the body succeeded by a violent leap
doc#135 It was pierced by a wagon gate
doc#147 As if drawn by a wire the
doc#137 himself be browbeaten by a woman.
doc#125 and were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and
doc#124 may be broken by an appropriate dose
doc#118 its axial direction by an electric drive
doc#19 children -- caused by an extended hospital
doc#19 propose increasing, by an unspecified amount