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doc#110 . </p><p> The difference came down to this
doc#138 . The director came to the door
doc#59 Mo. Election came on the nominating
doc#117 the radio emission came about 3<frac12> days
doc#136 when they finally came . </p><p> They poured
doc#74 center. He came all the way
doc#142 dark. He came to the edge
doc#142 , and he came unhurriedly. He
doc#134 him and he came slowly down the
doc#65 knee and he came here to consult
doc#147 radio as he came back up in
doc#138 . But he came toward me sedately
doc#115 mother's he came of the old
doc#38 discovered when he came to pay his
doc#144 When his head came down, Curt
doc#112 , and I came into the lobby
doc#148 Lake when I came upon him and
doc#104 In time Isfahan came to be known
doc#146 minutes later it came again -- a
doc#135 Susan and Julia came from the door