This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#46 Casualty Co. </p><p> At Berger's direction, the city also intervened in the Hughes bankruptcy
doc#148 turned out to be excellent. I loved the city and I particularly loved the gaiety and
doc#148 graduating college, partly because I loved the city and partly because there was quite a noted
doc#36 Corruption is hardly a recent development in the city and state that were widely identified as
doc#24 rescue trucks to the Riverside section of the city and the other to the Rumford area. </p><p>
doc#46 morning with Wagner and other officials of the city and the PTC as well as representatives
doc#104 into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller
doc#106 agreed, would be a small private house or a city apartment of four to five rooms, just enough
doc#108 present stage of Southern urbanization, such a city as Atlanta is not distinctly unlike Columbus
doc#24 director, Raymond H. Hawksley, the present city CD head, believes. </p><p> Mr. Hawksley said
doc#78 received an engrossed copy of an official city citation and a pair of silver cufflinks
doc#25 of a letter to Miss Mary R. Grant, deputy city clerk of Central Falls. A copy was released
doc#24 director. </p><p> He expressed the opinion the city could hire a CD director for about $3,500
doc#24 yesterday he would be willing to go before the city council "or anyone else locally" to outline
doc#24 intervals for residents to know. </p><p> If the city council fails to consider appointment of
doc#1 political career goes back to his election to city council in 1923. </p><p> The mayor's present
doc#25 session of the legislature. </p><p> While the city council suggested that the Legislative
doc#0 of a fair and equitable" pension plan for city employes. </p><p> The jury praised the administration
doc#47 accomodations in some hotels. REVENUE ESTIMATED The city expects the higher rooming house, hotel
doc#50 against the teamsters, which began organizing city firemen in 1959. </p><p> The fire fighters