This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#0 size of this city". </p><p> The jury said it did find that many of Georgia's registration
doc#108 Birmingham what Herrick, Dreiser, and Farrell did for Chicago or Dos Passos did for New York
doc#108 and Farrell did for Chicago or Dos Passos did for New York ... There are almost no fictional
doc#62 southpaw enlisted earlier last fall than did Hansen. </p><p> Baltimore's bulky spring-
doc#105 never learned anything else"! </p><p> What did he do for relaxation? Like his late colleague
doc#105 to see in Paris a year ago. </p><p> And how did he feel about modern art? Again Steinberg
doc#105 . </p><p> With all his musical activities, did he have the time and inclination to do
doc#148 could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him. In one hand he gripped
doc#69 and put you in trouble". </p><p> The Broncs did hit two quick strikes in the final period
doc#114 around crying, "Well, I didn't do anything, did I"? Robert Penn Warren puts it this way
doc#138 longshoremen's lunch counters, yet never did I cease to feel myself a stranger there
doc#138 future lay solely with the hall, yet what did I know about the hall at this point? Although
doc#138 of it. I could not cling to my past nor did I wish to. I had signed it off on the forms
doc#108 fitting himself into an urban economy as he did in an agrarian one. This represents a gradual
doc#114 failed to flourish in New England as it did in other parts of the country? Isn't it
doc#72 took the lead in the first inning, as they did in Sunday's opener, and never lagged. </p>
doc#33 hoodlums from infiltrating the state as they did in the Republican administration in the
doc#76 nine innings. </p><p> Incidentally, only two did it before a home audience. Bobby Lowe of
doc#139 studied voice, "I didn't do it for you. I did it for the valley. You're the only man
doc#114 something more than this is involved. </p><p> How did it happen, for example, that the state