This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 there. Two men, together like us, we could do somethin fine out there, maybe find a place
doc#141 that Highlands swindled you and I helped'em do it. But you're all wrong, man! I'm no lawyer
doc#126 mate or lay eggs; males and mating females do not emerge until later in the season. The
doc#148 father; some women with father fixations do . </p><p> For several weeks we eyed one another
doc#105 learned anything else"! </p><p> What did he do for relaxation? Like his late colleague
doc#134 And you stand by like a fool and let him do it ..." </p><p> He remembered Clayton's mocking
doc#68 to run", Meek explained. "We'll let him do a lot of running this week, but I don't
doc#114 of the governed" needs a hard look. How do we define it? Is the consent of the governed
doc#139 guarding that trail". </p><p> Barton nodded. "How do the valley people feel"? </p><p> "As mad
doc#136 to his village"! </p><p> "No. Now dammit, I do n't want to go into any more explanations
doc#112 being and existence, they may be right, I do n't know, but their language is too philosophical
doc#114 galaxy of those adorns that fair land! I do n't propose to go into their history, but
doc#144 're about as dumb as they come, Adams. I do n't know what you're up to, but when Brenner
doc#134 may take her with us -- to California. I do n't know yet, it's crazy; I have to think
doc#137 goes on around here, and I don't care. I do n't know what makes you think you can get
doc#104 using the word "Persians" carelessly. I do n't mean a few aesthetes who play about
doc#148 a poem I had to read in my lit class. I do n't even remember who wrote it but it was
doc#103 misperceives the signals or weakens is done. I do not know if such a way of life can come
doc#100 that was directed against Fascism. </p><p> I do not think that my experience would be typical
doc#134 peaceful and quiet. There was no one but me. I do n't want to leave it". </p><p> Clayton swung