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doc#107 tariff. Indeed, the old Jeffersonians were far more atune to the Hamilton-oriented Whigs
doc#110 our need today to clarify completely our far worse confusion on this subject. </p><p>
doc#113 filled with mana, the divine power. This is far from the vulgar, leering sexuality of the
doc#113 rebellion against authoritarian society is not far removed from the violence of revolt characteristic
doc#113 felt in the magic circle of marijuana with far greater force, as a unifying principle
doc#116 PROPRIETORSHIP These proposals would go far toward creating the economic atmosphere
doc#118 losses of the holder were to be reduced as far as possible and they should be such that
doc#118 to which the anode holder was exposed as far as radiation is concerned. It is sufficiently
doc#120 this material in which the oxygen atoms are far from geometrical equivalence. The only
doc#121 crude picture of the detergency process thus far developed can be represented as: <formul>
doc#124 infectious agent in an anesthetized animal is far different from exposure, through natural
doc#128 between the paleo- and the neocortex as far as emotional reactivity is concerned, and
doc#128 cortical discharge. Although we are still far from a complete understanding of these
doc#129 spaces of more than three dimensions has so far been found possible. 1. Let Q be a nonsingular
doc#130 aspirants for power will emerge whose ambitions far exceed their competence; old rulers may
doc#131 with sacred values, turns one to the past far more than to the future". Historically,
doc#133 up was dispelled. No girl would go this far to fool a man so she could kill him. Besides
doc#134 hide from a wind that had begun to blow far away and was twisting slowly through the
doc#134 how his cattle were being rustled at the far end of the valley. He remembered Gavin's
doc#134 meaning to him. </p><p> California is too far , he thought. He would never reach California