This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#123 except for the smallest particles, which must have a higher mass density to remain in the
doc#33 popular slogans to win the primary. But we'll have a liberal, well planned, forward looking
doc#144 faced Summers across the counter. </p><p> "I have a little job for you, Charlie. I'm sure
doc#144 fasten it with a sliding bolt. "You and I have a little talking to do, Jess. You won't
doc#121 contrast, a metal coupon <formul> in size would have a magnitude from 100,000 to a million less
doc#114 these people were denied a voice (do they have a moral right to a voice?), what voices
doc#129 order <formul> and the invariant locus must have a multiple line of multiplicity either
doc#67 -- out of football. Moritz doesn't even have a nose guard or hip pads but he's one of
doc#123 determining the concentration distribution have a range of error which is magnified in
doc#144 this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready means of escape in case it was
doc#130 toward the underdeveloped countries must have a realistically long working horizon. It
doc#116 unnecessary to speak. </p><p> DOES our society have a runaway, uncontrollable growth of technology
doc#44 The issue which may make it necessary to have a session is the highly sensitive problem
doc#1 The couple was married Aug. 2, 1913. They have a son, William Berry Jr., and a daughter
doc#103 rubbing up against a man who's supposed to have a specially good smell. Idje, here", and
doc#104 music is divided. Each mode is believed to have a specific attribute -- one inducing pleasure
doc#121 involved. One gram of cotton has been found to have a specific surface area of <formul>. In
doc#100 American liberal may, in the world of to-day, have a strong case; but he presents it publicly
doc#120 unpaired electron associated nearby may have a tremendous influence on the magnetic
doc#148 out and I don't think I will. I think I have a way so we can carry on without his suspecting