This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 not come to life. The silence oppressed him , made him bend low over the horse's neck
doc#135 taken Dean's affections from her. And using him , Mike McLish, as a sop to her pride. </p>
doc#137 woman. They expected greater things from him , regardless of how trying the circumstances
doc#134 all his life, the men who had worked for him , sworn their loyalty to him. Now they were
doc#139 seemed to Barton that the green eyes mocked him , the thin-lipped smile held insolence,
doc#141 his mood, it was the best way to handle him ; that is, to show no curiosity whatsoever
doc#134 fallen lame in the Gap. His wife had said to him : "Nellie is in love with Clayton Roy. He
doc#139 at him. "What did you want me to do, kiss him ? He dumped me in solitary twice". </p><p>
doc#137 twirling it around her wrist and smiling at him . </p><p> "Carwood didn't tell you that",
doc#142 gun. </p><p> "Just come along", Brannon told him . "Don't start anything you can't finish
doc#141 about"? he demanded, when Lord confronted him . "I'm not the only man in town with a gun
doc#145 the retreating back directly in front of him . </p><p> "I ain't going to fight you no more
doc#141 that none of her words would be lost on him . </p><p> "I want to tell you something Thomas
doc#147 went down to investigate while Greg covered him . "Somebody beat us to it"! Todman said
doc#141 Well, I'll tell you about that", Lord told him . "We aim t' be see-lective, y'know? Don't
doc#139 did you do that"? </p><p> Rankin sneered at him . "What did you want me to do, kiss him?
doc#135 feet. Julia, seeing the bandage, rushed to him . "You are hurt"! she breathed. </p><p> "I
doc#102 " with the fragment that he carries with him . All three must compare notes and agree
doc#134 loyalty to him. Now they were riding to kill him . And he was fleeing, running -- fleeing
doc#147 cockpit. </p><p> The overcast was solid above him . As far as he could see there was no hole