This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#33 not comment on tax reforms or other issues in which the Republican candidates are involved
doc#36 from the airport remarks that politicians in the state are "all the same". </p><p> "It
doc#37 is expected to make another major stand in opposition to the Administration's housing
doc#39 proposes. MOSCOW, JUNE 18 -- At a gay party in the Kremlin for President Sukarno of Indonesia
doc#45 <p> If the administration does not succeed in passing the sales tax bill, or any other
doc#46 director of architecture and engineering in the Department of Public Property, appeared
doc#50 reward was offered by the association's local in Kansas City, Kas. </p><p> The association
doc#53 night. </p><p> Martin, who has been in office in Washington, D. C., for 13 months spoke
doc#54 national level that would make some sense and in which we would have some confidence in
doc#54 and in which we would have some confidence in following. </p><p> Mrs. Molvar, who kept
doc#55 schedule calls for a noon speech Monday in Eugene at the Emerald Empire Kiwanis Club
doc#55 University Young Republicans Thursday night in Salem. </p><p> On Friday he will go to Portland
doc#59 urged to move into the area of new churches in the interest of lending their support to
doc#59 to spend from 6-12 months as apprentices in well-established churches. U.S. Dist. Judge
doc#61 runs off Kunkel before Hartman took over in the top of the fourth. Hartman, purchased
doc#62 arrived just before nightfall, two hours late, in company with Lee MacPhail; J. A. W. Iglehart
doc#64 beating Purdue's Dave Mills in a hot duel in 1.10.1. </p><p> Kerr, who set the world record
doc#66 by New York Yankee shortstop Tony Kubek in the eleventh inning donated four unearned
doc#67 team's plays, Eldon Moritz, ranks fourth in Southwest Conference scoring after three
doc#67 first two games this year by a pulled muscle in the thigh of his right (kicking) leg and