This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 word of it. So would she mind speaking a little louder? </p><p> "I think you stink, Tom Lord
doc#147 dropped down to five hundred feet, swinging a little north of the city of Tacloban, and punched
doc#142 <p> "Let's hear it, anyway". </p><p> "Wait a little while. Let Senora Brannon live in her father
doc#133 less often of Ann; each day the hurt was a little duller, a little less poignant. </p><p> He
doc#142 grownups' affairs -- as though she were a little kid like Elena! </p><p> At the moment, the
doc#142 now. Conchita kept an eye on the twins and little Elena, trying to keep them from falling
doc#122 was readily measurable exchange after as little as one hour of illumination. By comparing
doc#100 controls over everybody? If he attaches little importance to personal liberty, why not
doc#141 to listen. He knew that anything a brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb
doc#69 explained Stram. "They can be going along, doing little damage, then bang, bang -- they can hit
doc#108 Yankee, Southern writers have certainly done little to reflect and promote their region's progress
doc#126 with a full pollen load looks like a gay little piece of yellow down floating in the wind
doc#73 world's seventh ranked lightweight, had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision
doc#115 and contemporary August Strindberg he had little patience with collective mediocrity. He
doc#137 In the last analysis, though, Wilson had little cause to complain. The place had been cheap
doc#108 contender for literary immortality, has little concerned himself with these matters; such
doc#144 shut the door and hook it. Black would have little trouble getting out, but it might delay
doc#116 pretense to operate in the public interest is little more than a sham. It serves only its own
doc#121 encountered in the washing process, it is little wonder that the use of a number of detergent
doc#100 concern chiefly to New England, there is little doubt that large numbers of Southerners