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doc#132 transference. In general, the approach is more active than passive, more out-reaching
doc#25 into the situation. </p><p> There has been more activity across the state line in Massachusetts
doc#111 appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated. </p><p> Apparently
doc#111 circumstance that we are probably not much more afraid of people now than man ever was.
doc#116 integrity of control; corporations, being more amorphous, cannot. Proprietorships can
doc#123 in this case causes the orbits to become more and more eccentric without changing the
doc#108 toward further urbanization, it becomes more and more homogeneous with the North --
doc#105 synagogues, with Cellist Emanuel Feuermann. As more and more Jewish musicians lost their jobs
doc#130 governments may fail to push outward to win more and more people to the national effort,
doc#100 reunion. And there is no section of the nation more ardent than the South in the cold war against
doc#121 polyphosphates are also used, probably acting more as peptizing agents than anything else.
doc#121 particles having a greasy or oily surface are more at home in the center of a micelle than
doc#112 might be so, but found the result to be even more attention to form than was the case previously
doc#107 . Indeed, the old Jeffersonians were far more atune to the Hamilton-oriented Whigs than
doc#130 still needed in many cases. There are also more basic problems. This is the stage at which
doc#126 in size to a honeybee, A. armata is much more beautiful in color, at least in the female
doc#100 States since the Civil War the South was more belligerent than the rest of the country
doc#131 sanctions and dictates of religion were more binding than any of the other controls
doc#21 in the council. There should even be no more bitter surprises in the UN General Assembly
doc#143 call him a friend. No man's name brought more cheers when it was announced in a rodeo