This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#69 Dallas had enough of a lead to hold them off . </p><p> The principal tactic in controlling
doc#72 down the rightfield line and Cooke singled off Phil Shartzer's glove. </p><p> Nischwitz
doc#72 the 45-degree weather the game was clicked off in 1:48, thanks to only three bases on
doc#72 Patti Waggin who is Mrs. Don Rudolph when off the stage. ... Lefty Wyman Carey, another
doc#76 <crule4> THE MODEST AND HAPPY Spahn waved off his new laurels as one of those good days
doc#76 Room Athletic Club" when games were cut off . Actually they were helpless to do anything
doc#77 subbing for Berra, smashed a 3-run homer off Bill Henry during another 5-run explosion
doc#77 fifth, Wally Post slashed a 2-run homer off Bud Daley, but by that time the score was
doc#79 franchise. The Continental League never got off the ground, but after two years it forced
doc#81 whipped into his second shot. The ball went off in a majestic arc, an out-of-bounds slice
doc#95 much of the week-end getting the secrets off to Moscow, either on a powerful transmitter
doc#95 half years, was released, being given time off for good behavior. He promptly went to
doc#101 resisted. Social Darwinism was able to stave off the incipient socialist movement until
doc#101 conditions of maximum employment. Hands- off the economy was replaced by conscious guidance
doc#102 instances. Can thermonuclear war be set off by accident? What steps have been taken
doc#102 centers there are special clocks ready to tick off the minutes elapsed since "E hour". "E"
doc#102 door can never be opened without setting off a screeching klaxon ("It's real obnoxious
doc#103 burning land. At once the whole band set off at a lope. They were chasing a rain cloud
doc#103 asphalt road for a few miles and then swung off onto a smaller road which was nothing more
doc#103 when he reached a big red boulder, swung off the road. At once he started to glance