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doc#45 not be the same as the views of another one . </p><p> But if the administration should
doc#61 Robinson getting a pair and Marv Breeding one . HARTMAN IMPRESSIVE Bill Kunkel, Bob Hartman
doc#133 that if this was a trick, it was a good one . He didn't think it was possible for this
doc#114 in the South. The line is a pretty good one . </p><p> People talk about "the law of the
doc#81 embedded ball, a 3 with the provisional one . The golfing fathers ruled in his favor
doc#103 unpleasant. But that is a cliche and a dishonest one . The smell is sexual, but so powerfully
doc#69 Broncos -- but their visit will be a short one . The Texans have two more road games --
doc#108 an urban economy as he did in an agrarian one . This represents a gradual change in an
doc#100 enmeshed in hypocrisy that it is not an honest one . Why, in the first place, call himself
doc#107 remarked: "My life has been so much a public one ", a comment which fits the careers of the
doc#62 workable unit. <crule3> "Take a ride on this one ", Brooks Robinson greeted Hansen as the
doc#104 Fought with a thousand foes, and he was one ". Or the mode of love to this fragment
doc#102 put it: "You can't have dry runs on this one ". The experts are thus forced to hypothesize
doc#138 informed, fluorescent tubes, similar to the one above the counter, illuminated the entire
doc#40 a population above 150,000,000 would get one additional post for each additional 30,000,000
doc#110 Southern Confederacy differed from the earlier one almost as much as the Federal Constitution
doc#102 beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the
doc#81 by a form of athletics that respects no one and aggravates all. The world's best golfer
doc#140 fortress, eclipsing the sun and human time. At one and the same time, she was within it but
doc#110 keep Americans, in their conflicts with one another, from turning from the ballot to