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doc#147 question. And only a few seconds
doc#61 the contest and only five batters needed
doc#103 hung down and only occasionally swinging up
doc#103 its paws and only its eyes moving
doc#126 the burrows are only an inch or
doc#104 , there are only two times:
doc#147 there would be only a moment when
doc#108 or have been only lightly touched.
doc#115 Fredrikshall, being only thirty-six
doc#138 station which broadcast only vulgar commercials and
doc#108 live -- but only as a weary
doc#141 honor, but only of escape. </p>
doc#103 left, but only deep bare ridges
doc#119 however, can only be considered approximate
doc#21 nature, can only proceed along its
doc#29 . It can only rebound to Mr.
doc#115 power it can only be compared to
doc#112 . One can only speak of what
doc#29 vicious statement can only have its origin
doc#111 , we can only keep adding to