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doc#111 it occurs, will not be primarily of our own doing. And yet we obviously also believe
doc#112 despair nor with nihilism. Could it be that my own eyes and ears had deceived me? Is his a
doc#112 bristle. One might say it combines the man's own pride and humility. For he has the pride
doc#112 what he actually said but very close to his own words. </p><p> "The confusion is not my invention
doc#112 find it preoccupied with form. Beckett's own work is an example. Plays more highly formalized
doc#112 demanding that the viewer respond to it in his own never-predictable way? What is the history
doc#113 ritual they have adopted as uniquely their own , is designed to enhance the value of the
doc#113 atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil
doc#113 revolution: the craving for sensation for its own sake, the need for change, for new experiences
doc#114 . If there's no suitable academy in your own neighborhood, there's always New England
doc#114 personally affected, who is willing to send his own children to a mixed school as proof of
doc#115 escapes from Turkey, and finally reaches his own land after an absence of eighteen years
doc#116 whether technology will rule and develop its own society compatible with its own needs as
doc#116 develop its own society compatible with its own needs as a force of nature. </p><p> We are
doc#116 believe we have the ability to affect our own destinies: otherwise why try anything?
doc#116 little more than a sham. It serves only its own stockholders and poorly at that. As a creative
doc#116 creative enterprises developed outside its own organization (an ability made possible
doc#116 do so. If we cannot stop warfare in our own economic system, how can we expect to abolish
doc#116 in the face and realize they are of our own making and possible of solution only by
doc#116 -- a judgment based on experiences of my own in business and in activities outside.