This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#130 centralized government exist, we find a second category of countries with a different
doc#130 symbolically accepted. </p><p> Most countries in this second category share the difficulty of having
doc#131 permanent defeat and disappearance; man has a second chance. He is not lost in the abyss of
doc#59 Rev. T. F. Zimmerman was reelected for his second consecutive two-year term as general superintendent
doc#125 and had a titer of 1:512 in saline. The second contained incomplete antibody and showed
doc#61 In the ninth, Robinson led off with his second double of the night, a blast off the fence
doc#147 the radio button again. "Todman, drop your second element back. If any of us miss, they can
doc#74 against no victories, while Ray Moore won his second game against a single loss. </p><p> The Twins
doc#95 design for the hull. </p><p> The Skipjack was a second generation atomic sub, much advanced on
doc#105 and enthusiasm about Italy: "Rome is my second home. I consider it the center of the world
doc#74 back in the bottom of the first with his second homer in two days with the walking Bob
doc#136 </p><p> I squeezed the trigger. At the last second I dropped my sights from the bare chest
doc#129 the entire pencil having the image of the second intersection of l and Q as vertex and lying
doc#108 hundred and sixty-two percent, to 126,000, the second largest growth of the period for all cities
doc#143 dust puff up in front of his feet. A split second later, the distant crack of a rifle had
doc#136 face became shattered flesh and bone. A second leaped from his horse to the top of the
doc#120 determined Curie-Weiss constant. The experimental second moment <formul> conforms to the relation
doc#120 used to derive a general expression for the second moment <formul> of a polycrystalline paramagnetic
doc#64 in 2.21.6. She snapped five tenths of a second off the mark set by Helen Shipley, of Wellsley
doc#147 Luck was with him. His burst held for a second on the engine section of the plane. The