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doc#103 dirt which had almost the consistency of a second skin. They roll at night in ashes to keep
doc#103 at night in ashes to keep warm and their second skin has a light dusty cast to it. In spots
doc#103 In spots such as the elbows and knees the second skin is worn off and I realized the aborigines
doc#105 and enthusiasm about Italy: "Rome is my second home. I consider it the center of the world
doc#107 served as our first Vice President and our second President. </p><p> HIS political opponent
doc#107 nation through the troubled years of our second war with Britain. </p><p> If Franklin was
doc#108 hundred and sixty-two percent, to 126,000, the second largest growth of the period for all cities
doc#109 that a dancer who is told to lie prone one second and to leap wildly the next will have some
doc#111 other. III I want, therefore, to discuss a second and quite different fruit of science, the
doc#114 to the effect that the Mayflower on its second voyage brought a cargo of Negro slaves.
doc#115 , is more dramatically coherent than the second . After the collapse of that desperate and
doc#115 wonderful chapters at the beginning of the second part, concerning the reactions of the Swedes
doc#120 used to derive a general expression for the second moment <formul> of a polycrystalline paramagnetic
doc#120 determined Curie-Weiss constant. The experimental second moment <formul> conforms to the relation
doc#123 intervals and based on a few counts, the second and third Russian space probes indicate
doc#125 and had a titer of 1:512 in saline. The second contained incomplete antibody and showed
doc#126 places, there are two generations a year, a second brood of adults appearing late in the summer
doc#129 the entire pencil having the image of the second intersection of l and Q as vertex and lying
doc#129 P which meets g in <formul> points; the second requires that there be a line through P
doc#129 does not lie on the multiple secant. In the second , the fixed elements are the lines which