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doc#141 but rattlesnakes, so I reckon I
doc#119 of shear, so the statement should
doc#141 the stomach, so hard that the
doc#109 's Summerspace, so that dancers and
doc#134 nice then, so peaceful and quiet
doc#137 was there, so much of it
doc#133 precious water, so he spent most
doc#120 ordered way, so that some hydrogen
doc#144 was hurried; so the pitchfork whistled
doc#100 the Piedmont; so that a line
doc#140 arm -- " so that Auntie Grace
doc#53 added, " so long as people
doc#116 of organization ( so cumbersome it can
doc#121 clay soils) so as to give
doc#107 later period achieved so much in so
doc#148 that you agreed so you could prove
doc#146 hilt and already so tipsy that it
doc#107 Constitution, and so did Madison in
doc#114 doctored, and so forth; they
doc#145 himself, and so could the others