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doc#143 men who'd spent more time rustling cattle than farming were lying fallow. No cow thief
doc#137 , and he could see her face more clearly than he had at any time before. He had forgotten
doc#115 Poltava in 1709, is more dramatically coherent than the second. After the collapse of that
doc#126 bigger, hairier, and much more colorful than honeybees, exhibiting various combinations
doc#107 with each other were more consequential than their differences. Even though in most
doc#120 There is evidence, though less convincing than for <formul>, that the <formul> bond in
doc#117 seems to be an exception and remains cooler than the regions which surround it. These contour
doc#111 more nearly the performance of a rain dance than the carrying out of an experiment in physics
doc#103 realized the aborigines were much darker than they appeared; as if the coating of sweat
doc#107 durable contributions. </p><p> LESS dazzling than Hamilton, less eloquent than Jefferson,
doc#112 the moment of crisis it had no more depth than an old-school tie. Irish Catholicism is
doc#124 no more difficult to deliver such devices than other weapons. The same delivery vehicles
doc#117 originate in a region of larger diameter than the visible disk. Other than this very
doc#103 men who attempted nothing more difficult than a twenty-mile hike and slowly lost direction
doc#115 that would be more rewarding discoveries than Verner von Heidenstam, the Swedish poet
doc#137 Both of you. There's better things to do than listen to something like that. I'll be
doc#127 blood flow might be different in the dog than in the horse. Also, interlobular air drifts
doc#53 themselves. Private business is more effective than government aid, he explained, because individuals
doc#107 LESS dazzling than Hamilton, less eloquent than Jefferson, John Jay commands an equally
doc#121 active, builder, antiredeposition agent, etc. than there is to assign individual actions to