This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#44 withstand the pressure. </p><p> The issue which may make it necessary to have a session
doc#46 advantage of a private contracting company which had "an inside track" with the city. </p>
doc#46 A. Belanger and Sons of Cambridge, Mass., which listed the same officers as Hughes, was
doc#47 Richard J. McConnell indorsed the higher fees, which , he said, had been under study for more
doc#49 <p> The esplanade eliminates Grovers ave., which on original plans ran through the center
doc#50 his union's battle against the teamsters, which began organizing city firemen in 1959. </p>
doc#51 agreement between the leaders of four parties which contested indecisive elections on Oct.
doc#51 d'etat. </p><p> By-passing the military junta which has ruled Turkey since the overthrow of
doc#51 solution to the crisis created by the elections which left no party with enough strength to form
doc#53 must persuade them to enjoy a way of life which , if not identical, is congenial with ours
doc#59 stood for the great truths of the Bible for which men in the past have been willing to give
doc#60 their cases with opening statements, some of which had been deferred until after the government
doc#71 major leagues have ordered their own tests, which are in progress at Massachusetts Institute
doc#74 -- (AP) -- Billy Gardner's line double, which just eluded the diving Minnie Minoso in
doc#79 ceremonies, which will be followed by the show in which the writers will lampoon baseball personalities
doc#85 were seriously injured last night in a fire which damaged their one-room Anne Arundel county
doc#88 deficiencies" in the city's snow clearing program which should be corrected as soon as possible
doc#88 that the snow emergency route plan, under which parking is banned on key streets and cars
doc#93 floor so that entrance is direct. Others, which are reached by walking up a single flight
doc#95 whisking secrets out of naval strongrooms over which they kept guard. </p><p> Gordon A. Lonsdale