This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#79 of a third major league, the Continental, with New York as the key franchise. The Continental
doc#69 Texans won the game through ball control, with Quarterback Cotton Davidson throwing only
doc#139 Powers knocked his arm aside. Deliberately, with none of Rankin's viciousness, he laid the
doc#121 recently is the built liquid detergent, with which the major problem today is incorporation
doc#100 Carolinians remain unreconstructed than elsewhere, with Georgia, North Carolina, and Alabama following
doc#143 free for the taking, were sitting empty, with weeds growing high in their yards. The
doc#111 concept of periodicity and then, more firmly, with the Newtonian innovation of an universal
doc#111 system have disappeared gradually, first, with the Ptolemaic system and its built-in concept
doc#147 the ships. Greg himself took two flights, with Todman leading the second, to patrol and
doc#143 warnings laughed with satisfaction. For, with a single exception, nothing had happened
doc#125 activity was found in Fraction <formul>, with slight activity seen in Fraction IV-1.
doc#120 to be trigonal, Laue symmetry <formul>, with <formul>, <formul>. X-ray and experimental
doc#138 explained. He was a man in his late forties, with graying hair, of medium height; he looked
doc#146 establishment, built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden steps running up
doc#107 issues of centralized vs. limited government, with Hamilton and the nationalists supporting
doc#116 investment of $1,200 in 1943, it has grown, with no additional capital investment, to a
doc#107 authentic genius, then Alexander Hamilton, with his exceptional precocity, consuming energy
doc#141 almost contemptible. </p><p> He was handsome, with his coal-black hair and eyes, his fine-
doc#104 shall hereafter come to birth, That here, with dust upon his eyes, Iraj, the sweet-tongued
doc#140 around and headed it back down the hill, with the village as her ostensible destination