This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 He said: "You'll feel a lot better after you have a bath. Your feet are in bad shape
doc#144 coward"? </p><p> "I ain't drawin' against you ", Jess said thickly. "I heard how you outdrew
doc#105 , again with a twinkle in his eyes, "all you know is your music. But after all, you
doc#148 get a good, loyal husband -- smack! -- and you fall for a pass by his own nephew! You
doc#134 gone, my men are gone, Ed is dead -- and you come to me, to help me. Oh! God in Heaven
doc#107 him that "were I arraigned at the bar, and you my judge, I should expect to stand or fall
doc#114 to Mr. Y's select academy for boys, and you can be as liberal as you please with strict
doc#107 considered all who were not for us, and you amongst the rest, as against us, yet be
doc#142 </p><p> Brannon looked at Hank Maguire. "And you ? What would you do in my place"? </p><p>
doc#134 You can't stay here with me. It's late and you said they'd be here by dawn". </p><p> "You
doc#145 down over Nate's purpling forehead. "Me and you 's trading hats so 's you'll have something
doc#67 Darrell Royal what position he plays and you 'll get the quick response, "place-kicker
doc#139 against the man's side. </p><p> "One sound and you 're dead". </p><p> The sergeant froze. Powers
doc#142 Brannon told him. "Don't start anything you can't finish". </p><p> "Now, listen" -- Macklin
doc#141 town, that's what I feel like! Now, are you going to take me or am I supposed to walk
doc#135 tethers. </p><p> Dean came rushing up. "Are you hit"? he demanded. </p><p> "No, but the fat
doc#148 "I don't understand", she insisted. "Are you trying to cut your throat"? </p><p> "No",
doc#133 n't eaten for two days". </p><p> "What are you doing here"? </p><p> "Are we in Wyoming"?
doc#139 surprise as Powers came in. </p><p> "What are you doing out of the block"? </p><p> "It's Curtiss
doc#133 innocents". </p><p> Morgan laughed. "Which are you "? </p><p> "We're not drunkards", she said