This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#95 first atomic submarine, the Dreadnought, and , by implication, of the entire United States
doc#128 action, the autonomic symptoms of sleep and , by its action on the cortex, a lessening
doc#141 But she'd known plenty of handsomer guys, and , conceding his good looks, what was there
doc#128 level as indicated by the Mecholyl test and , conversely, between clinical impairment
doc#131 every religion pertains to a community, and , conversely, every community is in one
doc#128 opposite direction causes excitatory effects and , eventually, maniclike changes. The emotional
doc#103 ran beneath the squall, raising their arms and , for the first time, shouting and capering
doc#135 him a chance for living. He had none here. And , for the sake of Julia and Susan, it had
doc#133 needs some work on it". </p><p> He nodded and , going into the bedroom, brought a needle
doc#146 brushy cover was besieging the Antler house and , having spotted his approach, was determined
doc#138 on these preliminary matters. It was dark and , I sensed, very large; only the counter
doc#127 certain wide limits anatomy dictates function and , if one is permitted to speculate, potential
doc#127 in the horse much as in the human being; and , in contrast are present to a relatively
doc#148 artist looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and , in his mind's eye, the clothes drop away
doc#102 Teletypes, several kinds of radio systems and , in some cases, television, link all vital
doc#121 constituent of a built-detergent formulation; and , indeed, there is no more reason to separate
doc#127 the monkey than in the horse. The volume and , perhaps, even the characteristics of bronchial
doc#140 Munroe Culver. He had belonged to this land and , perhaps, had desecrated it -- and this
doc#111 secrecy or espionage? We have staved off a war and , since our behavior has involved all these
doc#148 joyous celebration with romance in the air; and , when you took a walk you never knew what