This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 dining room. Brannon had no slicker. He 'd put on his old brown corduroy coat and
doc#143 walking out to his corral that morning, he 'd been amazed to see the dust puff up in
doc#143 distant crack of a rifle had sounded. He 'd mounted up immediately and raced with a
doc#143 revolver ready toward the spot from which he 'd estimated the shot had come. But he had
doc#143 name was the tool he needed for the job he 'd promised to do. </p><p> Tom Horn was soon
doc#143 even after them notes came, even after he 'd heard about Lewis, even after he'd been
doc#143 after he'd heard about Lewis, even after he 'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself"
doc#143 another time we ran across some teamsters they 'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon
doc#143 were doing the same. Houses of settlers who 'd treated the company herds as a natural
doc#143 half-heartedly tended fields of men who 'd spent more time rustling cattle than farming
doc#148 moist and tender. I heard her murmur, "We 'd better lock the door". </p><p> It did not
doc#62 to the West Coast. </p><p> "But they should da brought in Tokyo, too", added Old Scrapiron
doc#0 that the City Executive Committee, which had over-all charge of the election, "deserves
doc#0 conducted. </p><p> The September-October term jury had been charged by Fulton Superior Court Judge
doc#3 's campaign. </p><p> Caldwell's resignation had been expected for some time. He will be
doc#8 led the fight for the measure, which he had watered down considerably since its rejection
doc#10 bill. </p><p> The West Texan reported that he had finally gotten Chairman Bill Hollowell
doc#17 House spokesman said the address text still had "quite a way to go" toward completion.
doc#18 two other cases he ruled that the state had been "unable to make a case". Contempt
doc#18 a case". Contempt proceedings originally had been brought against 677 persons in 133