This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 . Leading his pony, he hurried that way, not remounting till he was well below the level
doc#133 him, and now he saw that both were young, not more than nineteen or twenty. They were
doc#108 treatments of the industrialized south". Not a single Southern author, major or minor
doc#125 P. J., D. A., and J. F., Fig. 1). </p><p> Not all these regions exhibited equal agglutinating
doc#117 Sinton, 1955, 1956,; see also chap. 11). Not all the observers have used the same procedures
doc#143 were no tracks of either hoofs or boots. Not even an empty cartridge case could be found
doc#137 enough. You've got blood on your cheek. Not yours. Mine. It must have got there when
doc#141 <p> McBride couldn't do either, of course. Not immediately, as the deputy demanded. Not
doc#137 of the pain had gone from Amelia's death. Not all of it. There would still be plenty
doc#141 Not immediately, as the deputy demanded. Not without a face-saving respite of at least
doc#104 neighborhood for its clarity and flavor. Not long ago an acquaintance, a slick-headed
doc#71 defense against passes, 34.7 yards per game. Not satisfied with various unofficial checks
doc#140 terrible chill swept through the grove. Not a breeze exactly, but a pocket of icy air
doc#115 wife, her husband has achieved immortality. Not so, he answers, it is not the architect
doc#142 that she could talk to her mother about it. Not that her mother knew what had happened,
doc#137 would be no other sounds to interrupt it. Not tonight, at any rate. He had a feeling
doc#126 larvae of certain beetles and moths. </p><p> Not always, though, does the development of
doc#145 and for Rod. But she couldn't, not yet. Not with the memory of her folks and the lost
doc#115 homeland and its boyhood associations: " Not men-folk, but the fields where I would
doc#137 anything else you want to know"? </p><p> " Not now", Wilson said. "I guess I'll find out