This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#36 beach for a state judge on his
doc#2 up for a state rally to be
doc#128 ) in a state of depression,
doc#126 hibernate in a state of torpor.
doc#138 lived in a state of suspense because
doc#2 face is a state law which says
doc#126 in my adopted State of Washington,
doc#110 the central and state governments, and
doc#38 of church and state ? </p><p> R. Sargent
doc#32 Red Cross and State Department of Education
doc#25 our local and state law enforcement officers
doc#32 he was appointed state warden and chief
doc#29 Westfield, as state chairman of the
doc#6 expended" as state funds. </p><p> Barber
doc#25 both the Bay State and Rhode Island
doc#105 at the Berlin State Opera. Two
doc#29 Republican-controlled State Senate "Must
doc#128 to a diminished state of activity in
doc#110 States, each state acting in its
doc#110 right of each state to secede.