This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#108 exaggerated or not, the old panorama is dead. As John T. Westbrook says in his article,
doc#108 avalanche -- especially within recent decades. As the New South snowballs toward further
doc#140 village as her ostensible destination. </p><p> As she drove, she thought about her plan.
doc#130 their own prospects for orderly development. As a nation, we feel an obligation to assist
doc#146 by a third, sounding more distant. </p><p> As near as Cobb could determine the shots
doc#112 asked me why I write always about distress. As if it were perverse to do so! He wanted
doc#139 . </p><p> The sergeant turned to the door. As he passed through it Barton shoved his
doc#146 sprang to the nearest steps and ran down. As luck had it, he had not gone twenty feet
doc#105 and which nolens volens had to be endured. As he talked about himself, time and again
doc#105 in New York, before he left for Europe. As we began to converse in the lounge of his
doc#126 fertilized eggs that will produce females. As a result, the proportion of males (which
doc#105 synagogues, with Cellist Emanuel Feuermann. As more and more Jewish musicians lost their
doc#111 all Americans against freedom's other foe. As cells coalesced into organisms, they built
doc#108 dialects and localisms with a startling force. As for progress, the "backward South" can
doc#131 exercises a stabilizing-conserving function. As such it acts as an anchor for the people
doc#132 mental health and social functioning. </p><p> As seen in the B. family, there must be an
doc#136 feathered lance was still above his head. As he started to slump over, another warrior
doc#147 </p><p> The overcast was solid above him. As far as he could see there was no hole to
doc#124 locations, should have been increased. </p><p> As can be seen from Figure 2, an extensive
doc#127 designed to stop at the arteriolar level. As early as 1913 Ghoreyeb and Karsner demonstrated