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doc#139 drew out a tintype. </p><p> "This is Mitchell Barton . He broke out of Folsom last night. Apparently
doc#139 had escaped the trial. It was to him that Barton had sent Carl Dill on Dill's release from
doc#139 was discovered, but still the news that Barton was free flashed across the central portion
doc#139 uniforms so they won't be found". </p><p> Then Barton touched Carl Dill's arm and moved off,
doc#139 <p> Fred Rankin looked at him. It seemed to Barton that the green eyes mocked him, the thin
doc#139 days lost time to fix them. We don't want Barton 's Night Riders loose again". </p><p> The
doc#139 three other men within this prison whom Barton would have liked to liberate, but they