This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 followed at once and halted two steps inside. His eyes widened. While five minutes ago the
doc#144 trouble. Tell her to hurry". </p><p> "Yes sir". His face pale, Summers headed for the street
doc#142 him, but the threat of violence was there. His face took on a sudden pallor, became beaded
doc#142 right hand. It was burning away, forgotten. His face was clouded with unhappiness. </p><p>
doc#147 motion and almost ran to the plane with it. His face was dark as the sky above it as he
doc#136 emerged as men. Gray Eyes was in the lead. His face was split by a vermilion streak, his
doc#142 followed them inside, crowding the small room. His face was stiff with anger when they let
doc#146 sharp canter, with growing alarm. </p><p> His first glimpse of the ranch house across
doc#107 own state, was epitomized by Washington. His first inaugural address speaks of "my country
doc#81 knowledge has come in handy, too. </p><p> His first shot in the Open last year landed
doc#146 if ridding himself of something unclean. His glance at Gyp Carmer was disdainful. "Shall
doc#79 Blume, Shea worked relentlessly. </p><p> His goal was to obtain a National League team
doc#147 on the reflector glass in front of him. His hands shook. "Arm your guns, Sweeneys".
doc#138 certain he was really a spineless little man. His hat (the cause of his baldness?) hung on
doc#115 obviously very similar to that of Napoleon. His ideal was Alexander of Macedon, as Napoleon
doc#102 thinkers financed by the U. S. Air Force. His investigations made him the Paul Revere
doc#138 how limited was his sphere of influence. His job simply consisted in registering new
doc#143 even pretended to be farming his spread. His land had never been plowed. He had done
doc#136 to the trees that lined the small creek. His legs pumped furiously, his long black hair
doc#103 He was over six feet tall and very thin. His legs were narrow and very long. Every bone